Monday, January 6, 2020

In Fifty Years Well All Be Chicks by Adam Carolla Free Essay Example, 750 words

ï » ¿In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks by Adam Carolla In Fifty Years, We'll All Be Chicks, is a Carolla’s account regarding â€Å"pussification of America† especially among the men who are losing their identity to the modernized state of living (Carolla 1). This encompasses, for illustration, the manner in which men have abandoned their identity and yielded to imitating numerous actions commonly characterizing women. Carolla points out some queer behaviors (judging from a man’s view) on how many men tend to spend many hours in front of a mirror trying to line up their beards (Carolla 27). This characterizes men who extend their keenness into intricate details regarding their looks. For instance, Carolla observed at one instance a man blowing nails, which were already colored. Hence, prompting him to conclude in Fifty Years coming man species will extinct, and all people will be chicks. Carolla starts first by expounding more regarding his upbringing, which catapulted him to where he is currently as a broadcaster (Carolla 2). He reveals that he is a product of separation and not a divorce, since, at the time, it entailed much paperwork and involvement of clerk. We will write a custom essay sample on In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks by Adam Carolla or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page His early life encompassed struggles he made in acting, and becoming somebody who will have high esteem in society despite the negative advances he encountered. Carolla has written his account into chapters, which he offers diverse perspectives why in future the extinction of man is evident currently. His work incorporates comedy and funny manner of commending on various normal issues that make it exceedingly amusing to the readers. In Fifty Years, We'll All Be Chicks entails numerous issues, which Carolla observes eroding man’s real character to being a woman. For instance, he depicts the dissimilarity amid a â€Å"Creepy Guy† and â€Å"Cool Guy† in an office setting, where a receptionist enters and both commend on her dress code (Carolla 104). The Cool Guy gives her a commend which incorporates her figure and how the jeans fits, but the Creepy Guy just says ‘Hey Kelly, nice jeans’, which makes the lady angry and reports t o the human resource (Carolla 104). This shows how men have inclined in worshiping the weaker gender to the extent of earning a slaps from them especially in that case. For instance, Kelly would have dealt with the Creepy Guy via a slap instead of forwarding the case to high authority. In his book, In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks, Carolla illustrates numerous incidences, which he feels are depriving the real man his status in this modernized society. This encompasses eroding his manliness and putting on femininity, hence degrading him to the state where in fifty years time he will be more of a woman than a man. For instance, â€Å"Bathroom doos and don’ts† chapter expounds more about etiquette that must abound in the washrooms (Carolla 91). Carolla tackles numerous issues that surrounds humanity and concerns more to man, but currently seem to erode masculinity. Carolla’s view of the things according to his description seems as if standing by and wa tching each activity unwinding. His keen observance coupled with meticulous scrutiny, offers him an aggressive advantage to catch readers’ attention regarding simple, but essential life issues. In addition, he employs honesty to describe things the way they appear coupled with worldly wording. This comprises some words that are evident in the wording especially in conversations, which designates societal classes according to one’s age. Carolla scrutinizes how men have turned and preferred women world using even preference in the media especially the choice of food and lifestyles proposed by media (Carolla 13). He also addresses the issue of political perspectives where citizens are unable in maintaining single-mindedness regarding the policies they want in life. People esteem what their leaders propose, which is according to their parties’ cult, where they must exemplify total loyalty. He argues that the â€Å"The only person who can change your life is you, † and what amazes him, is how when election comes, the people whom he thought intelligent turn out to be bananas to his presence (Carolla 117). The book depicts the nature of Carolla, where at some occasions seems to be more conservative than expected. For instance, regarding the issue of Mexican, homosexual and teasing of women (Carolla 128). I tend to see his state being too humorous, since as a native of Los Angeles still is unable to understand and tolerate these groups. The mode of presenting his thoughts according to the chapter proves what he confesses that he had never read a book, thus his work resembling biblical format. Additionally, what are so humorous are his conclusions, which comprise individual sentiments regarding diverse issues especially homosexually. These conclusions and some of literature inside somehow possess some truth in them whereas others do not. Work Cited Carolla, Adam. In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks. New York: Crown Archetype, 2010. Print.

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